Tag Archives: FW

My “False Warp” Experience

This blog post is about my second time to experience being “false warped” to Einbroch Field (ein_fild01 232, 38). This is also my second time overall to experience such. The first time I was “falsed warped” was totally it was irritating but at least, I wasn’t stuck. There was someone who was killing all false warped characters so they could return to their last saved points.

What is a False Warp (FW)?

A false warp is a warp point (through the Acolyte skill, Warp Portal) to an area of a map (usually a field) that is non-accessible through ordinary means, i.e., walking.

There is no definite record of how this phenomenon came to be, but let me suggest a theory: When your game crashes or when you encounter a bug, your game gets disconnected. Once you go back online, you suddenly find your character in these areas that are not normally accessed and that do not allow free movement.

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